BLOG 3 - The Role of Technology in my Profession and Life

    First of all, technology in my life is primordial, since I was born it has accompanied me and complemented me until today. Literally, whenever I have time, I always use my cell phone to watch videos, take pictures or just to play a game when I'm bored.

     I also have to point out that I use my computer a lot, especially between the years 2020 and 2021 for online classes, since as we know, we are going through a pandemic (covid-19), which means that technology is even more required at this time.
     Honestly, if it wasn't for technology in general, the facilities we have today would not be possible, so we have to be thankful that we have this invention in our hands, as it has been quite important in our lives even if we don't want to admit it.

     Of course, being myself a student of "graphic designer" and video editor, of course technology has been a very important and relevant topic in all my life, literally, without it, I wouldn't know what to do...... I hate to admit it but it's true, we got so used to it, that we young people and some adults depend on it to go on with our lives, since it covers a lot of the information we know, besides facilitating us in many things, such as searching for information, online shopping, digital drawing, social networks, fast food orders, videos and of course, books in PDF format, (we save on going to the library in person).

     In conclusion, technology is and will be fundamental in our lives whether we want it or not, since it accompanies us and helps us on several occasions, and undoubtedly, it will be much more primordial and important in the not too distant future (although today it is already so, to lie).


  1. a little late, but here is the blog 3!!!
    sorry for the delay, but I never got any information about this blog in my gmail.
    I had to ask my colleagues if there was any pending work. :(

  2. I agree with you, technology has become very important in our lives although we don't want to accept it.


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