BLOG 2:  The best vacation I have ever had

     I have to admit that my vacations were never very remarkable, or that they left a mark on me for a long time. But if we refer to my best vacations, honestly they were those of January and February 2017 ( yes, more than 4 years ago).

     I did the typical thing I did in most years, go to Villa Alegre ( a town that is between San Javier and Linares) and stay at home while my mother went to the square to sell pop corn and other sweets. But at least, I met several friendly people, who invited me to go out from time to time (although there is no trace of them nowadays) and I can't deny it, I enjoyed those moments, since I finally did something different, like going to the vineyards, the stadium, the swimming pool, and the mall of Talca (they are not so "shocking or out of the ordinary" places, but at least for my part, I can say that it was nice, at least I was not locked in the house, like most of the years... you could practically say that I was taken out of my cave haha.

     I also remember that my parents took me fishing in a river near the camp, where I also took a bath, and we played with my cousins with a colorful inflatable ball. One day at lunch we ate land shrimp, where I have to admit it was quite entertaining to take them out of their crocks and wash them.

     Finally, in the evenings we went to the square to listen to the music they played, to have ice cream and to share with some "friends" that I met during those months. 

     Undoubtedly those were my best vacations, since it was practically the last time I went to that place since between 2018 and 2019 I simply did not go because of the absence of a very important person in the family, and about 2020, I simply did not go because of the arrival of Covid-19 to our country.

     I hope I will not forget this trip for a long time. 


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